

To keep a single Optima window on your screen permanently, even when switching layouts, or toggling through channels, right-click into the specific window, and select Pinned from the dropdown. The Pinned Feature, is available for all Trade Idea Windows, including Scans, Charts, Compare Count, and the Holly AI Windows.

Once a window is pinned, it does not follow the behavior of the other windows.

This is useful if you would like to include one or more windows of a channel in a custom layout, without saving the individual windows to the Cloud first.

It is important to note, that this window will stay open until you decide to unpin it. When accidentally saved within a layout, It might load multiple times, when closing and re-opening this layout. At worst, you will have multiple versions of the window all running on top of each other in the same position. This can put a strain on system resources and drastically impact software performance. The pinning option should therefore be used very carefully and consciously. A window should always be unpinned after the desired action is completed.

To do this, right-click into the window and remove the checkmark on Pinned.

To see all pinned and unpinned windows, or to close them, go to the Toolbar, select Windows, and choose, Close All Unpinned, or Close All Pinned.