
Actions - Sound Notifications

In addition to being visually alerted via the Price Alerts Window popping up, you can additionally be alerted by sound. To set up Sound Notifications for the Price Alerts, right-click into the Price Alerts Window and select Actions. A Right-Click in the Alert Window will open the Options Menu.

Check Play Sound in the new popup window. Then click Set Up Sound.

The next window will display built-in sound options. You can choose an asterisk, a beep, exclamation, a stop, or text to speech.

If you choose the Text-To-Speech Option, a female voice will call out each stock symbol that triggers.

Further below, you can choose a custom sound from your local computer. Please note that custom files need to be in WAV format, the system isn't able to use MP3.

Once you have selected a Sound Option, click Play to test the audio. Use the Balance and Volume sliders to adjust the sound to your liking.

Hit Okay when you are done.