
You can share your Price Alerts with your colleagues, followers, and friends. Simply right-click into the window and select Share Price Alert. This will bring up the Share This Link Window, which offers various sharing options:

Scan the QR code

You can scan the displayed code with any QR reader app available on your phone. Thereafter, you can share it with other users of our desktop program.

Select Copy All, to save the Cloud link to your clipboard and paste it into an email or messaging app.

Click the Twitter icon to share the Price Alerts Cloud Link on Twitter and include a text message if you like. If you haven't connected Optima to Twitter yet, a Twitter Authorization Form will open. Log in with your Twitter username and password. Then click, Authorize App. Thereafter, copy the displayed Pin Code into the field at the bottom left-hand side of the window and select Confirm.

Select OK when you are done.