How to use this Guide

How to use this Guide

This User Guide follows a left to right and top to bottom approach in its aim to discuss each menu item of the Windows desktop version of the program.

After an introduction to Optima, users will be guided through the program setup process. Thereafter, the software's layout functionality will be highlighted.

The main focus of this User Guide will be the step-by-step presentation and explanation of all the software's feature and functions. We will start with the Toolbar, which is the core of the program and move from tab to tab (e.g. File, New, Tools, Windows, Help, Account etc.).

In an effort to address the different types of learners, most sections contain a written description, screenshots and videos.

There are several ways of using this guide:

  • To learn more about a specific feature or function, select one of the Quick Links, use the Search Function or browse through the Table of Contents.

  • To achieve an overall understanding of the software's functionality, read this User Guide from start to end.

Last updated